Friday, September 08, 2006


CPH by Copenhagen airport on Thursday

one of the four winds

full moon attempt at Brumleby

and friday evening seen from the ferry from Helsingborg, Denmark, Shakespeare's Elsinore in Hamlet, to Helsingborg Sweden.

castle towers

late fishing
reflected in swedish windows


and one picture daily SNAPS 3

Saturday, September 02, 2006

copenhagen park

a nearly forgotten politician?

not if I spell him correctly
borgbjerg frederik - Google Search

F.J. Borgberg

Socialminister23.04.1924 -- 14.12.1926

Undervisningsminister30.04.1929 -- 04.11.1935

under Danske statsministre – Th. Stauning

"I en menneskealder har sparetørstende politikere, arbejds-hungrende kunstnere og den kunstelskende offentlighed med pressen i spidsen forenet sig i kravet om dobbeltscenen”
om Stærekassen, dansk teaterbyggeris problembarn nummer ét

and clearing up after a big party

more in SNAPS ONE
about my walk today

Rent A Tent - teltudlejning af festtelte til enhver lejlighed!

not much of a sunset I fear rain again

I really liked the brave Dannebog pennants but the wind was dyiung before I got a really good snap

Friday, September 01, 2006


my last bus stop is by the tree
and my phone cam had 87 pictures saved

this heron stood very still
so I grabbed my handicam and zoomed in

it looked burned out in the viewfinder so I took this too
a magic moment for me, and I was so very happy to end this Copenhagen day out with this rare bird.
SNAPS 3 is my new mobile blog - and the first post of the day was made on the bus to the archives

balcony seen from my bus stop

Grønningen 1 - 9
also the name of a group of danish artists grønningen site:dk - Google Image Search
Købstædernes Forsikring Grønningen - the insurance company - Google Search

a couple of original doors remain

the torch is an international symbol of insurance, and education

too bad about the tasteless new windows