Saturday, May 27, 2006

resurfacing Yorklea Croft, Chelmsley Wood

B37 5EG google map and you can see Merton House in Crabtree Drive which is my viewpoint - I call these events mechanical ballets - the dance of the machines

the tarmac has been stripped off by this machine

this pneumatic drill woke me up

driving up onto the low loader

and drilling
my upstairs neighbours from hell? no, the red van belongs to electricians rewiring the flat over my bedroom, and they have been bashing and drilling into the concrete and dropping tools on the floor above my bed starting at 8:00 am.

ready to go back to the depot and I have not had breakfast yet

"I've finished sweeping this gutter"

and still drilling


sweeper and water lorry

road roller on the grass and they laid the new tarmac on Saturday morning before I woke up.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

they fixed the bus stop

the noise of this edge trimmer made me look up and out of my window

two men, and a half truck with 10 large panes of glass to repair the bus stop

where I walk into Chelmsley Wood - the footpath goes between the red houses

and he got his yellow jacket out of the cab and put it on

serious rain showers

and the sun came out

and the pavement was dry again in minutes

screwing in the last of the window surrounds

lilac means butterfly time

golden rain was my childhood favourite

a job is not finished until the paperwork is done

writng up the paper work or a cup of coffee?

all done off we go

off into the traffic and they turned right towards Marston Green

waste disposal

a bit blurred, but I have yet to walk this hill top on the other side of Birmingham Business Park

the red clay slash in the hill site is the landfill site at Packington which I blogged some time ago
GOOGLE MAP zoom out and track left to B37 5BX which is where I live

golden cloud

I had packed up my cameras for the day but this cloud came by at about 8:30 pm

over Chelmsley Wood

night shots

1:30 am checking "my" bus stop is still intact

Bosworth Drive

Chemsley Wood

Saturday, May 06, 2006

breakfast in the kitchen

The balcony was 34 degrees centigrade to day - a bit too hot for me

the carrot adds fibre and is important in controlling my appetite - the hardboiled egg is just a treat - not everyday

I like sitting on my granny's chair from Usk

unloading at the day centre to the right of Chelmsley Wood medical center

wheel chair time not so bad as staying at home

dandelion patch to the left, but it needs a path to be paved at the angle people chose to walk to the shops.